Telspy - Number Statistics and Lookup

Have you been called by a number you don’t recognise? Wondering how many others are searching for the same number? Telspy provides a free overview of the most searched telephone numbers and statistics all over the world.

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Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers

  1. reported indagini di mercato with the number +390809997053 as Unknown

    +390809997053 (Bari) - Details anschauen
  2. adventi reported unknown with the number +491794868532 as trustworthy number

    Hier stets wiederholte Denunzierungen haben nichts mit dieser Nummer zu tun.

    +491794868532 (O2 (Germany)) - Details anschauen
  3. Antonio reported Frode dei contratti energia with the number +393462288197 as Cost trap

    Frode dei contratti energia. A quanto pare la multa da 79 milioni di Euro a ENEL energia non è bastata. PAGHERETE ANCHE LA PROSSIMA MULTA PERCHE' L'AGCOM VI HA BECCATI DI NUOVO, TIE!

    +393462288197 (Cellulare) - Details anschauen
  4. Nolen S reported CRA collectors (scam) with the number +18888638657 as Telephone terror

    Con artists; I questioned the man, pointing out that CRA has access to more personal information about me than my family does. He called me, so it must be fairly stupid of him to ask for information he should have known previously. Said he wanted to be sure it was me. Inform them to mail anything in an envelope.

    +18888638657 (Toll-free telephone number) - Details anschauen
  5. reported Crona with the number +447403933818 as Telephone terror

    Calling supposedly re Health & Safety, very pushy and evasive, not answering straight questions.

    +447403933818 (Three) - Details anschauen
  6. Jackie We reported "Comdirect" Phishing SMS with the number +4917664755601 as Cost trap

    Angeblich muß bis zum 25.04. das Freigabe- Verfahren der Comdirect Bank erneut werden und man solle einem Link folgen …

    +4917664755601 (O2 (Germany)) - Details anschauen
  7. Simona reported Frode degli investimenti with the number +393454045489 as Cost trap

    Frode degli investimenti

    +393454045489 (Cellulare) - Details anschauen
  8. iPhone reported unknown with the number +390427908212 as Aggressive advertisement

    +390427908212 (Spilimbergo) - Details anschauen
  9. Crypto Investment Scam reported Crypto Investement scam with the number +442034816295 as Telephone terror

    I was trying to download an app to make crypto trades, and then this number called me saying I should put money into Bitcoin, and it'll make a lot for me. I didn't trust it, because I never saw any notification for it in the app.

    +442034816295 (London) - Details anschauen
  10. reported PLE Health with the number +441453883322 as trustworthy number

    Calling to arrange Psychological treatment request via my insurer

    +441453883322 (Dursley) - Details anschauen
  11. Cathryn JK reported Domestic Appliance spam with the number +443303413406 as Telephone terror

    It was D & G calling about my washing machine insurance, which was about to expire. But, I hadn't received an email yet, which is normal protocol.

    +443303413406 (premium rate service: local rate) - Details anschauen
  12. reported Energy scam with the number +442080729901 as Unknown

    Energy scam as soon as I mentioned listed building they hung up.

    +442080729901 (London) - Details anschauen
  13. reported Oxilog/Tunisie = faussaires with the number +33270196322 as Cost trap

    Oxilog , ComunikCRM , KavEl , Alphalink , DVS-Connect , I-agility , Manifone , Spacinov , SpartelServices , Thecallr , Ubicentrex = callcenters africains d'escroqueries et piratages... Chaque jour: 100 millions d'arnaques téléphoniques en France! et depuis des années: les députés, l'Arcep, Bloctel... regardent ailleurs! Bloquez les préfixes malveillants 0162, 0270, 0377, 0424, 0568, 0948. ... puisqu'en France les criminels du téléphone sont protégés par le président.

    +33270196322 (Appel commercial) - Details anschauen
  14. Christopher reported Unknown with the number +4915214677403 as Unknown

    Ich habe den Anruf garnicht mitbekommen aber auch wenn wäre ich nicht dran gegangen denke mal das es wieder eine unseriöse Nummer ist. Die App ist wirklich Klasse

    +4915214677403 (Lyca­mobile) - Details anschauen
  15. reported FREE = GROSSE M€RD€ with the number +33424126226 as Cost trap

    +33424126226 (Appel commercial) - Details anschauen
  16. reported unknown with the number +393392500750 as Telephone terror

    +393392500750 (Tim (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  17. reported Onkel with the number +4915566270282 as trustworthy number

    +4915566270282 (Drillisch) - Details anschauen
  18. reported not provided with the number +16822707281 as Telephone terror

    robo caller

    +16822707281 (Texas) - Details anschauen
  19. Android reported unknown with the number +4915157008697 as Unknown

    +4915157008697 (T-Mobile) - Details anschauen

The Top 200 most searched numbers on

# * PhoneNumber Country
1 - +49891247111346 1165 953615 49
2 - +49891247114371 585 809675 49
3 - +49541200720 482 735609 49
4 - +492283822567 794 671697 49
5 - +491793000333 187 722419 49
6 - +492317257820 1514 758384 49
7 - +493022957920 595 700198 49
8 - +498003302424 108 446788 49
9 - +390692939297 164 480426 39
10 +7 +498999727961 502 448709 49
11 - +3902454001 683 407640 39
12 - +390409835400 173 429623 39
13 - +4921156156001 186 423586 49
14 -1 +493092702890 480 351328 49
15 - +441315614532 197 368300 44
16 - +390350460165 1348 353412 39
17 - +491771781156 134 347066 49
18 -1 +498008003436 126 322508 49
19 - +33424 72 339479 33
20 - +390239594900 408 325697 39
21 - +390239623790 522 317679 39
22 - +4922838200104 224 312340 49
23 - +49891247113728 310 293234 49
24 - +496998660724 101 303140 49
25 - +33972723949 119 300012 33
26 - +390280887589 125 294388 39
27 - +498922061040 295 282278 49
28 - +492345074289 280 264434 49
29 - +497219600 150 218223 49
30 -1 +4936166390251 154 222246 49
31 - +390350951748 224 244123 39
32 - +3902367009 234 209120 39
33 -1 +498999727960 397 239215 49
34 - +4917650642602 482 222514 49
35 +7 +498003301000 373 154203 49
36 - +390864957001 187 212901 39
37 - +4313367633 111 203244 43
38 - +4917672358 291 210193 49
39 - +33568 45 210204 33
40 - +393518995011 97 201786 39
41 - +33377 31 198083 33
42 - +390243371010 180 194995 39
43 - +33644643366 239 191545 33
44 +6 +4961195003199 352 190226 49
45 +1 +4936138039578 162 184022 49
46 - +442070237935 680 181641 44
47 - +49402850430050 199 176613 49
48 - +4940853753599 244 163135 49
49 - +393492002020 102 173588 39
50 -1 +33270 42 173804 33
51 - +33695600011 59 170919 33
52 -1 +390239623793 183 170314 39
53 - +493046690013 217 167404 49
54 - +491712523311 57 150649 49
55 - +390115524000 216 162854 39
56 - +390645230025 285 161570 39
57 - +393490009999 261 160466 39
58 - +493419950162 286 160778 49
59 - +442033222305 45 157819 44
60 - +12024558888 167 157289 1
61 +1 +4928347090977 77 154606 49
62 +7 +431206092080 122 152721 43
63 - +498001721212 204 131602 49
64 -1 +498971676000 55 147197 49
65 -1 +41445550600 211 143290 41
66 +6 +498003302220 174 146080 49
67 -1 +498003338686 143 143751 49
68 - +49221945760580 93 145829 49
69 - +4991188185889 101 145548 49
70 - +4915238975402 156 141960 49
71 - +494041478722 130 139762 49
72 -1 +390909430444 132 127446 39
73 - +498004763805 124 138067 49
74 - +493092702864 159 133024 49
75 - +49402850430051 221 132979 49
76 +3 +390299961903 139 132788 39
77 - +49402850430052 267 132147 49
78 - +393200004200 72 129529 39
79 - +393487409754 207 128093 39
80 - +498007244306 105 128298 49
81 -1 +498004763803 114 128816 49
82 -1 +498004555540 100 127505 49
83 - +4373290353 95 113195 43
84 -1 +443456081878 70 124506 44
85 - +33948 36 124296 33
86 - +4922855005560 121 124028 49
87 +5 +12069220880 139 122952 1
88 - +4922838200242 167 122789 49
89 - +33756780756 86 121780 33
90 - +3902668978 324 121724 39
91 +2 +491379101112 45 110792 49
92 +1 +39349 27 120428 39
93 - +4934521973030 92 113993 49
94 - +393490000190 297 116580 39
95 - +49228184990 280 151040 49
96 +3 +491771781013 132 114277 49
97 - +390299961900 130 114835 39
98 - +49151 51 114819 49
*Changes during the last days