Telspy - Number Statistics and Lookup

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Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers

  1. Android reported unknown with the number +4971141016060 as Debt collection

    +4971141016060 (Stuttgart) - Details anschauen
  2. iPhone reported unknown with the number +447701407167 as Cost trap

    Spammers Scammers Shammers Slammers Vishers Smishers Phishers Quishers Scummers

    +447701407167 (O2) - Details anschauen
  3. PSF reported unknown with the number +441243212675 as Telemarketer

    Sounded very fishy, they called my work landline number asking for details about me (managing director) said it was about the phone lines, I told them we don't have any at all and work off mobiles so it's not relevant, but they continued to push for information: Gave me slightly wrong address wanting me to correct it, asked me to confirm MDs name but gave slightly wrong name and wanted me to correct it, asked when the MD is in the office, which days of the week. be very careful, they're positioning questions so that they can record your voice giving your name and address

    +441243212675 (Chichester) - Details anschauen
  4. Uffo reported Falsa TIM with the number +393512117913 as Cost trap

    "La contatto dall'amministrazione perché dal 1º maggio la sua offerta internet..." "Ma l'amministrazione di che?" "ehm... amministrazione TIM...?" "Ma io non ho contratto con TIM" allora riattacca.

    +393512117913 (Operatori virtuali Tim (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  5. Unbekannt. Habe die Nummer gespe reported unknown with the number +4915215784018 as Telephone terror

    +4915215784018 (Lyca­mobile) - Details anschauen
  6. Dilan reported Freenet with the number +4915142069017 as Aggressive advertisement

    Nachdem man 14 Tage fast täglich zu verschiedensten Zeiten angerufen wurde, habe ich Mal zurückgerufen... Es war eine Dame von Freenet mit starkem Redeschwall. Sie möchte Kunden ein Sonderpaket mit unschlagbarem(!) Angebot i.H.v. 4,99 Euro anbieten. Nach der Nennung des Preises kommt die Erklärung in einem starken Tempo. In Ihrer Beschreibung wird dann suggeriert, dass es auf einmal kostenlos wäre - gefährlich wer hier nicht genau zuhört. Tolle Leistungen, bevorzugte Behandlung beim Kundenservice, Ersatzgerät bei Handyverlust etc. Auf Nachfrage was der genaue Vorteil wäre, Argumente welche in ein Luftschloss gehören. Gegenargumente und gezielte Fragen über den tatsächlichen Vorteil waren nicht willkommen und das Gespräch dann beendet. Eine Mail über so ein Angebot hätte wohl nicht gereicht. Schade, dass man einen Anbieter mit sowas unattraktiver macht.

    +4915142069017 (T-Mobile) - Details anschauen
  7. Feula H reported Vodafone sales spam with the number +442071936059 as Telephone terror

    A salesman telling me all about the benefits of choosing Vodafone, and that they have a 65% off deal to get me started. Was a little too pushy for me.

    +442071936059 (London) - Details anschauen
  8. Domenio reported Truffa dei contratti energia with the number +393384531363 as Cost trap

    Truffa dei contratti energia

    +393384531363 (Tim (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  9. reported Fraude with the number +33162213893 as Cost trap

    Appel certainement frauduleux, méfiez vous

    +33162213893 (Appel commercial) - Details anschauen
  10. Ivan reported Truffa dei contratti energia with the number +393475217652 as Cost trap

    Truffa sui contratti energia

    +393475217652 (Vodafone (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  11. Glenn83 reported Syma with the number +33162198760 as Aggressive advertisement

    Publcité agressice de la part de Syma mobile pour vendre leurs forfaits

    +33162198760 (Appel commercial) - Details anschauen
  12. IM778899 reported Ping Call with the number +4917613176159 as Aggressive advertisement

    Kostenfalle. wollen Rückruf erzwingen und rechnen den dann ab mit hohen Kosten. Nicht rangehen, nicht zurückrufen.

    +4917613176159 (O2 (Germany)) - Details anschauen
  13. Schlaubi reported Angeblich Pflegeversicherung with the number +4915214515897 as Cost trap

    Mit sicherheit handelt es sich hier um einen Versuch Daten zu erspähen. Fragt nach sensiblen Informationen wie bspw Pflegestufe etc.

    +4915214515897 (Lyca­mobile) - Details anschauen
  14. Kirsty J reported Ovo energy (spam) with the number +443308085392 as Telephone terror

    A guy trying to sell me a new smart meter.

    +443308085392 (premium rate service: local rate) - Details anschauen
  15. Vernon WA reported Pearson Lock attorneys with the number +441615201138 as Telemarketer

    Had multiple calls from this number, they are calling about a mis-sold finance for a vehicle. They want to represent me.

    +441615201138 (Manchester) - Details anschauen
  16. SimoneGliori reported unknown with the number +393372439436 as Cost trap

    Voce registrata che si spaccia per TIM

    +393372439436 (Tim (cellulare)) - Details anschauen
  17. No me interesa este tipo de llam reported Ventas-Compras with the number +17043608893 as SMS spam

    No me interesa este tipo de llamadas desconocidas Spam

    +17043608893 (North Carolina) - Details anschauen
  18. No me interesa este tipo de llam reported Ventas-Compras with the number +17043129888 as SMS spam

    No me interesa este tipo de llamadas desconocidas Spam

    +17043129888 (North Carolina) - Details anschauen

The Top 200 most searched numbers on

# * PhoneNumber Country
1 - +49891247111346 1165 953699 49
2 - +49891247114371 585 809875 49
3 - +49541200720 483 735823 49
4 - +492283822567 794 672297 49
5 - +491793000333 187 722696 49
6 - +492317257820 1515 759344 49
7 - +493022957920 596 700768 49
8 - +498003302424 108 446850 49
9 - +390692939297 164 480543 39
10 +7 +498999727961 503 448803 49
11 - +3902454001 684 407840 39
12 - +390409835400 173 430131 39
13 - +4921156156001 186 424140 49
14 -1 +493092702890 480 351381 49
15 - +441315614532 197 368427 44
16 - +390350460165 1355 354909 39
17 - +491771781156 134 347083 49
18 -1 +498008003436 126 322740 49
19 - +33424 72 340309 33
20 - +390239594900 408 325792 39
21 - +390239623790 522 317731 39
22 - +4922838200104 224 312362 49
23 - +49891247113728 310 293853 49
24 - +496998660724 101 303311 49
25 - +33972723949 119 300103 33
26 - +390280887589 125 294422 39
27 - +498922061040 296 282345 49
28 - +492345074289 280 264683 49
29 - +497219600 150 218502 49
30 -1 +4936166390251 154 222409 49
31 - +390350951748 224 244153 39
32 - +3902367009 235 209301 39
33 -1 +498999727960 397 239275 49
34 - +4917650642602 485 222694 49
35 +7 +498003301000 375 154266 49
36 - +390864957001 187 212953 39
37 - +4313367633 111 203429 43
38 - +4917672358 291 210232 49
39 - +33568 45 211182 33
40 - +393518995011 97 202250 39
41 - +33377 31 198605 33
42 - +390243371010 180 195384 39
43 - +33644643366 239 191611 33
44 +6 +4961195003199 352 190464 49
45 +1 +4936138039578 162 184238 49
46 - +442070237935 680 181887 44
47 - +49402850430050 199 177112 49
48 - +4940853753599 244 163219 49
49 - +393492002020 102 173820 39
50 -1 +33270 42 174048 33
51 - +33695600011 59 170978 33
52 -1 +390239623793 184 170559 39
53 - +491712523311 57 150866 49
54 - +390115524000 216 163088 39
55 - +390645230025 285 161691 39
56 - +493419950162 286 161552 49
57 - +393490009999 262 160537 39
58 - +442033222305 45 158036 44
59 - +12024558888 167 157366 1
60 +1 +4928347090977 77 154793 49
61 +7 +431206092080 122 153266 43
62 - +4991188185889 105 152002 49
63 -1 +498971676000 55 147362 49
64 -1 +41445550600 212 143402 41
65 - +49221945760580 93 146245 49
66 +6 +498003302220 174 146103 49
67 -1 +498003338686 143 143872 49
68 - +4915238975402 156 142560 49
69 - +494041478722 131 140573 49
70 -1 +390909430444 132 127621 39
71 - +498004763805 124 138160 49
72 - +49402850430051 221 133237 49
73 - +493092702864 159 133117 49
74 +3 +390299961903 139 132951 39
75 - +49402850430052 267 132449 49
76 - +393200004200 72 129635 39
77 - +393487409754 207 128139 39
78 - +498007244306 107 129307 49
79 -1 +498004763803 115 129458 49
80 -1 +498004555540 101 128017 49
81 - +4373290353 95 113783 43
82 - +33948 37 125078 33
83 -1 +443456081878 70 124591 44
84 - +4922855005560 121 124221 49
85 +5 +12069220880 139 123021 1
86 - +4922838200242 167 122839 49
87 - +33756780756 86 121927 33
88 - +3902668978 324 121855 39
89 +1 +39349 27 120828 39
90 - +4934521973030 92 114102 49
91 - +393490000190 297 116634 39
92 - +49228184990 280 151076 49
93 +3 +491771781013 132 114304 49
94 - +49151 51 115163 49
95 - +390299961900 130 114947 39
96 - +4920143716000 152 106946 49
97 - +49157 61 111023 49
98 - +390294753695 65 108990 39
*Changes during the last days